Sunday, January 6, 2008

Runway Russian roulette

Ted W. Lieu's 2007 article, Runway Russian roulette, from the LA Times identifies a serious problem happening at airports, incursions. A runway incursion is planes almost running into each other. Lieu almost experienced this while on a flight to LAX. In fact this is not the first time that happened at the LAX in 2007. In 2007, there have been eight runway "close calls" at the LAX. There are many possible reasons why incursions happen. Air Traffic employes believe it is a staffing problem, while the FAA believes it is a "problem of runway configuration." Lieu believes there is a simple solution to this problem. According to the GAO, a perfect solution would be reducing flight volume and increasing space between flights. At the LAX flight landings and takeoffs are seperated by two minutes. Lieu believes five minutes would would make a dramatic difference in whether two planes will crash into each other or not. Some speculate this solution; believing it will cause more delays, but a delay is better than the death of passengers.

Tone: Urgent, Informative

Question: Would an increase in takeoff and landing times really reduce "runway incursions?"

1 comment:

ashley said...

i'm glad i hadn't read this before my departure to guatemala a week ago.. well anyways, this is surely an issue to beware of. I'm not exactly sure if the increase in takeoff is the entire solution but it wouldn't hurt to test it out.
*Posted by Ashley O.