Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (part 3)

Ashima starts to become real home-sick and feels sorry for Gogol because he doesn't have the warmth of the family atmosphere, like she did. Letters arrive to their home except from Ashima's grandmother. Ashima starts to get worried and writes to her grandmother. Ashima's father sends her a letter telling her bad news; her grandmother has had a stroke, is paralyzed, and doesn't really remember anything. Ashima becomes depressed for a couple of days and Ashoke and Gogol can't do anything about it. She starts to think about Gogol don't being able to see his great grandmother.

Question: Is Gogol missing out on some important lessons because he has not met is Indian family?

1 comment:

Kimberly Montenegro said...

Gogol possibly is missing out on some important lessons for not knowing his Indian family. Not knowing about his Indian culture makes him be easier to assimilate into different cultures and that could make him never have the opportunity to appreciate where he truly comes from.